Whence this site.
05 Jul 2017The story of this site.
Why did I bother creating this site?
If you have met me, you would probably be surpirised by this site. The reason is that I was once an avid Computer Science Theorist who denounced the importance of anything that the other branches (Systems, ML) had to do (in my defense: dark times, bad influences). But I did spend about 3-4 days trying to create this website. So why did I do it?
Here are a few reasons off the top of my head (not in order of importance).
- Placement Season : Yes, placement season is coming up and at the point of writing this, I'm preparing for it. This site, I believe, is a decent showcasing of my Web Dev skills. And the Jekyll template saves me the effort of coming up with sensible designs and implementing them from scratch (ironically, perhaps what a web developer is supposed to do).
- Need : I am currently pusuing a Dual Degree and will (most probably) be working in the next year or so. It makes sense, at this point, to make a site so that people interested in my past and future work, theoretical or otherwise, can look at it. Not to mention, the old site was kind of embarrasing.
- Possibility : More than being a showcase of my skills, this site has the potential to become a portal for me to jot down my thoughts. This is partly due to the simplicity with which Jekyll allows me to create posts. The remainder of the motive, comes from the fact that I know a little about few things. Posts could allow me to share that knowledge.
- Fun factor : This is perhaps the most important and productive reason. To be honest, I wanted to create a site simpler than this (but still better than the old site). But once I started adding some functionality to it, I noticed that I wanted to do even more. Building or creating something is fun and it kept me going. Through this experience, I think I understood why people work in Systems after all!
So those are all that I could think of at the moment. See if any of these apply to you. It might help you decide if you should build a site too. I also have a post about how I created this site and that could help you get started. So keep looking and feel free to comment below.